The day man started to cultivate food for himself the civilizations began. A new Era emerged where hunters and gatherers got settled at places where nature's bounty could be reaped with his hard work. Even today the cultivators who bring food to one's table are revered across the country.
Annadatha Sukhibhava if said with the right emotion it could be a heartfelt blessing from the receiver of food to the donor of the food.Modern technology and globalization gave birth to new-gen Agripreneurs who converted agriculture produce to value-added food products. These Agripreneurs became a new revolution since they could easily make products made from Kerala jackfruit available in Walmart stores in England and Australia Apricot jams to Indian supermarkets.
The native agricultural produce from Kerala especially the ones with GI tag like Vazhakulam Pineapple has huge demand in international market. Doing value addition in such regional products could open new doors globally for Agripreneurs from Kerala.
Lots of Agripreneurs across the globe have been highly successful in their ventures. ITCC offers mentoring for budding Agripreneurs in agroprocessing , sourcing and exports. ITCC also provides technology platforms for marketing of the products. Native agricultural produce from Kerala will be brought under a brand and will be marketed worldwide.
We will bring to you experts in the field to improve your knowledge and skills to increase the harvest and diversify the value-added products
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